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Thread #123258   Message #2729615
Posted By: CarolC
23-Sep-09 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
I don't think the Baucus plan has rate controls. That's one of the problems I have with that plan. I really hope that one doesn't go through in its current version (without a public option). That could be financially ruinous for us, depending on how they do the subsidies. I hate that that one is such a gift to the insurance companies. That one is bad also because it forces the insured to pay a lot of out of pocket expenses on top of the premiums. If that plan goes through as is, the number of bankruptcies related to health care costs is going to rise.

I don't think those averages for individually purchased insurance can possibly be accurate. It costs a lot more to purchase insurance individually than it does to be insured through an employer.

The last year we had insurance, we paid about $12,000 for the year. It would cost us a lot more now.