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Thread #123812   Message #2730263
Posted By: The Sandman
24-Sep-09 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Irish vote on Lisbon treaty looms
Subject: RE: BS: Irish vote on Lisbon treaty looms
emma b,
that money was wasted,frittered away,
there has been very little investment in railways,we do not require motorways.
we require a better rail infrastructure.
you may be proudly whatever,but can I remind you that the IRISH PEOPLE have rejected the lisbon treaty already,they should not need to vote again.
why havent the english been allowed to vote on the treaty?.
the treaty should be rejected again because no one understands it,do you understand it Emma B.,IF YOU DO EXPLAIN IT IN ALLS ITS ENTIRETY.
I live in IRELAND,and isee very little improvement in the important transport infra structure,Rail and canals,we do not need ti o make the same mistakes as England,and waste money on motorways that get clogged up with more cars.
the irish fishing industry has been decimated by the EU.