The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24150   Message #273113
Posted By: Kim C
07-Aug-00 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Not At All Musical: Thoughts on VPs?
Subject: RE: BS: Not At All Musical: Thoughts on VPs?
I agree with Kendall in that there just doesn't seem to be a wealth of outstanding candidates. Now, I'm 32, so this is only my fourth Presidential election. I was 21 the first time I got to vote, in 1988. The first two times, I voted for who I thought was going to win. Some people like to do this, but I think it's a bad idea. I want to vote for the person/party who best represents Me. If everyone did that, the results would be quite a bit different from what we've been seeing.

Also, I think that the absolute best people for the job of President are just too damn smart to want it. I am not man-bashing (I don't do that, I love men)when I say that THAT's why we see so few women running for office in this country... not that so few are qualified, but that They Simply Have Too Much Sense to Want the Job. There are a lot of men who fit that bill, too. Government in the US has become such a circus that everyone figures they'll just leave it to the clowns.