The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123851   Message #2731214
Posted By: number 6
25-Sep-09 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
"But we don't have to accept those things as facts."

Exactly ... I was a big fan of Moore but i started to have my doubts about him after I saw Bowling for Columbine ... specifically the scene where he said Canadians don't lock their doors .... even in Toronto ... and then the scene where he just walks up to a front door of a house and knocks ... lady opens the door and states ... no we never lock our doors here .... well, we lived in Toronto right by where that was filmed ... guess what ... we always locked our doors, have for years. Everyone does, out of fear. In fact just about the time that was filmed we were broken into ... so was everyone else on our street ... locked doors and all .. the thieves kicked in windows ... police said they were powerless to control the B&E's ... the volume exceed the manpower to stop it.

So Mike lied to impress the U.S. audiences that things were cosy and safe north of the border ... that his system system was wrong and ours isn't. I always wonder how much he paid that woman that he talked to on the front porch?

After that I looked more closely into his facts and cinematic (3 ring circus) techniques ... manipulated for his own agenda. But, I guess if he did show things the way it really is (blemishes and all) and used less grandstanding, exagerrated facts, used a more flat editing style he would have a difficult time attracting an $audience$.
