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Thread #123851   Message #2731634
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
26-Sep-09 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Michael has to be one of the bravest people in the US, if not the world, for having the guts to stand up and question those at the top, to expose them for what they are.

He does this against people who could, quite literally, have him 'taken out' tomorrow, if they so chose.

I'm glad he's making money, not only so he can make more films, to expose more lies, wake more people up and get thousands of people angry at what has been done to them, but because he no doubt probably needs a huge amount of money these days to keep himself and his family safe from those whom he exposes.

He is an Antidote to Apathy.

Thank God!

And you know something, he may just save the world, all on his own...

And maybe, just maybe, THAT is why the librarians of the USA gathered around him to ensure his first book was published and got out into the wider world, after so many tried to have it banned.

'Stupid White Men' are not only the ones who've been doing so much wrong for so very long, but also the ones who have turned their backs upon what has been staring them in the face for decades.

He's a brilliant man who has the ability to get people to change and personally, I'd love to see him 'cloned' (LOL) so that every single country, state, town, village, had a person in it who had the guts to stand up and say "No! THIS IS WRONG!"