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Thread #123812   Message #2731807
Posted By: The Sandman
26-Sep-09 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Irish vote on Lisbon treaty looms
Subject: RE: BS: Irish vote on Lisbon treaty looms
It had to do with negligent work practice.[quote lox]
its the same thing, lack of investment,by not having someone checking,or double checking the work practices,employ more people to make sure the railways are safer, employ more people to check safety[thats investment]instead of paying people to be unemployed.
it is not irrelevant.
the eu would rather fritter money away on useless projects like straightening the approach road to Ballydehob.and then garda has to be employed to stop people speeding,if they had never done it in the first place,ther wiould be no necessity for the garda to sit there with a speedtrap.
finally lox said this[quote]"we'll by ruled by brussels (foreigners)"
   Lox as an Englishman living in Ireland,could I remind you that if I didnt like foreigners I wouldnt be living in IRELAND would I,Ireland is a foreign country filled with Paddys, some Rumanians some Poles,but worst of all too many fucking Brits[god how I hate those Brits especialy the ones with estuary accents]Why dont they go back to England or better still the costa brava.