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Thread #122558   Message #2732047
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Sep-09 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
Subject: RE: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
I think he most definitely has an idea of what it is, Greg, and he could have explained it precisely as I have, because it's dead obvious what "white culture" is or what any racial culture is.... but he figured that any such answer he gave in today's political climate on the USA mass media would be used to tar and feather him...which it indeed that's why he didn't give an answer, in my opinion.

The mass media is not being used to arrive at truth. It's being used to pump up its chosen "good guys" and destroy its chosen "bad guys". It's being used to push propaganda, foment controversy, and destroy people. That's how Glenn Beck uses it. That's also how Glenn Beck's most ardent foes use it. They're all basically out to destroy someone. He knows that, so he wasn't going to put his own ass in the crosshairs on the firing range, so to speak, by giving an honest answer to what he thinks "white culture" is.

That doesn't make Glenn Beck someone I support or agree with. It just makes him smart enough not to place his own neck on the media guillotine, that's all.

By the way, I don't think Glenn Beck is a very smart or well-educated man. If he was, he probably wouldn't think the USA has the best health system in the world or that Michael Moore hates America! He's smart enough, though, not to attempt to define "white culture" on the Katie Couric show, so he's not a total idiot. ;-D

Azizi - What you say in your post of 26 Sep 09 - 04:33 PM is all absolutely correct as far as I can see. Among other things, you said:

"And yes, things have gotten a little bit better. But have things gotten much better? It's easy for White people to say "Yes". But living as I do everyday in my black skin, I know that unfortunately, the real answer is "No". "

You are so right. What all of us need to do to further improve the situation, I think, is to stop defining ourselves by race at all, and start defining ourselves by what we unquestionably share in common: Our common humanity. Our equality (as beings of equal potential worth with equal common rights in every way). Our existence as members of one single human family, regardless of race, culture, nationality, gender, religion, or any other defining characteristics which would appear to separate us from one another.

That requires, for most people, thinking in a new and less parochial fashion. It can be done. Eventually, in my opinion, it must be done if we are to share a good future on this planet.

It is said that a healthy mind sees the similarities in others while an unhealthy mind focuses mainly on the differences. Apply that to society and politics, and see what a healthy mind could do with the situation.