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Thread #122558   Message #2732089
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Sep-09 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
Subject: RE: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
I think you're right, Carol. Yes, he did bring it on himself by his own previous exaggerated attacks on Obama's character. I do think Katie Couric was "out to destroy Beck by asking that question", but she wasn't JUST out to destroy Beck by asking that question. There were a number of other reasons for her to ask it...quite aside from the intention to damage or destroy Glenn Beck. The political media game these days is a vicious business. It is the politics of destruction. Remember what was done to John Kerry? Or how Kucinich was blocked from participating in the later televised debates during the last campaign? Or how they deliberately asked Kucinich a stupid question about a UFO sighting he had just to label him as a space cadet in people's minds? I find that zeal to destroy people in the modern media very unfortunate, and I'm glad I'm not involved in politics.

Greg, I wouldn't mind at all if he were to shut up. ;-)