The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123365   Message #2732161
Posted By: Severn
26-Sep-09 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Santa Hints 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Santa Hints 2009
What is your age range? 61 in December.

Gender (As required by The Engendered Species Act): Male

Favorite color: Blues and greens (a former redhead gone white)

Favorite Authors:Mark Twain, Patrick O'Brien, David Halberstam, William Kennedy, Barbara Tuchman, Steven W.Sears, Dashiell Hammett, Richard Ellis, Peter Matthiessen, off the top of my head. Many more. But I have a lot of those mentioned covered already.

Books you've been really wanting: Folksong collections or local histories from the area where you live. Mysteries by your favorite writers (local color fine here, as well. Any of the Frank Warner, Helen Cheighton, Joanna C. Colcord folksong collections. Good history or biography.

What types of music do you like: Most anything good. Folk from the English speaking world-nautical, blues, Jazz, Bluegrass, UK & Ireland trad., Old Time String Band especially.

What CDs do you want? Something by yourself, Some local music from where you live, whether a local genre, singer or favorite bar band. A taste of where you live. If from outside the USA, stuff I couldn't find in the genres mentioned above that I couldn't aquire easily over here.

What Movies do you want? Pretty full up on movies at present.

What is your T-shirt size? Large. Hat size 7 1/4

Do you collect anything? Old metal antique advertising signs (Porcelain enamel, or just old-50's and earlier), books, recordings (LP tape and CD). I hope to be collecting retirement some time soon!

What are some of your hobbies? With the burns I suffered in March, I'm not doing too much active hobby stuff at present.

Gold or Silver-toned Jewelry? Don't wear it.

Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you'd like. I am diabetic, so avoid booze and sugary stuff and other things incompatable. (sigh!). No allergies, though. Creativity in your clues and hints are a part of a gift in itself.

Looking forward to (temporarily) not knowing you, with a friendship, hopefully, to ensue when all is revealed.