The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123805   Message #2732262
Posted By: Darowyn
27-Sep-09 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: hardest instrument
Subject: RE: hardest instrument
I'd agree with the people who nominate the Pedal Steel.
I can play a lot of different instruments, mostly stringed ones but including fretless ones. One of my favourites is the non-pedal steel guitar.
I had some money to spend on myself a few years ago so I went to Music Ground to buy a pedal steel.
After an hour and a half trying various models, and trying to sort out the copedant (that's the tuning and pedal/knee lever setup) I realised that I could not manage the basic trick of playing a simple major scale in one bar position.
I left without one. I still don't have one.
It was this imaginary conversation that kept running through my mind...
Wendy:- Did you find a nice one, darling?
Me:-    Yes, at a good price too.
Wendy:- How much?
Me:-    Only £1500. It's a beautiful thing.
Wendy:- Can you play it?
Me:-    No.
Wendy:- You're a Wazzock!

So I just fake the PSG licks on my non pedal, and I'm happy with that (and richer).