The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123889   Message #2732321
Posted By: Andrez
27-Sep-09 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: The BNP conundrum
Subject: RE: BS: The BNP conundrum
Hmmmmmmmmm the UK seems to be getting more and more scary these days and when I read through this thread and recall some of the other BNP threads I cant help but hear Billy Braggs lines about the "sounds of ideologies clashing".   

So having said that my solution to the problem is the same one I use when I am confronted by people of the "born again christian" persuasion. I usually choose not to engage because they are locked into their point of view and are unwilling to entertain the possibility that a point of view other than their own might have some validity. Regrettably, I have some in-laws of this ilk and regardless of what evidence might be provided to challenge their views they inevitably resort back to their biblical dogma and come out with a variation of the line "if your not with us your 'agin us". At this point there is little left to say. This is the closed mind syndrome in full flight and it just isnt possible to work through ideas let alone the values that underpin these ideas.

So having said that its also important to understand that ideas have power and that by repeating a particular "line" often enough that idea can gain traction in peoples minds.......... especially in this day and age when so many of the certainties of the "past": the things that gave us a sense of community and national identity have lost their binding ability and people just want an instant package to grab onto and believe in..... just like the "born agains". And yes we've seen before what happens when ideas take off like this thank you Mr Hitler and Co......... so having a good knowledge and understanding of the patterns of history helps to ground you in understanding what is happening as a result of the kind of ideas and values being promoted by the BNP and similar groups. Its about keeping perspective and your cool regardless of all the shouting going on in the streets, the media or even this forum.

From the prophet Bragg again: "When one voice rules the nation, 
Just because they're on top of the pile, 
Doesn't mean their vision is the clearest".

Thats a useful line to keep in mind when groups like the BNP ( or the Nazis in days of yore) try to capitalise on the hate and forms parties like the BNP to promote their ideas in the world at large.

And having then said that its also important to decide when its time to take a stand, when things have crossed the line marked out by your own personal beliefs and values. So that might be at the ballot box, it might be in a street march, it might be in writing a song that expresses something that millions of other people feel and recognise through your words....... well the response is always going to differ from person to person but the point is that at some point or another it is important to challenge the people or parties that are promoting hate and division and separation regardless of whether this is in the local community or at a national level.

Despite all the negative PR about Indians being bashed in Australia, a few months ago I joined about sixty thousand people who felt the need to support multiculturalism in our community by making a statement and marching through the city. It was a great day and I believe it sent a message to all of the haters out there that the majority of people do not support their views or the values that go with them.

Having said that, good luck with the thread EB :-)

