The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123851   Message #2732506
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Sep-09 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Yes but what is "capitalism" in terms of a "system"?

We are not confronted with a choice between "capitalism" or "not capitalism", because our present system is not pure capitalism anyway and it never was nor ever could be. It's a mixture of capitalism and socialism and it can't NOT be. You can't have a modern society without a number of socialist institutions in place and functioning. You can't have modern marketing and trade without a number of capitalist practices in place.

Therefore it is misleading to even label what we have AS "capitalism", because it isn't pure capitalism. Neither is it pure socialism. It's both of them in combination.

What you need is some regulatory restraint on the worse misuses of capitalism, that's all. Privately owned companies should not be allowed to behave in such a way as damages most of a society to the exclusive monetary benefit of the company. They should be restrained from committing antisocial actions in the same way any citizen is restrained from committing antisocial force of law.

Banks should not be allowed to lend out vastly more money than they really have on REAL money. To do so is to engage in a pyramid scheme, and that's illegal. The banks have been scamming the public in that fashion for several hundred years now to enrich themselves, and the situation has gotten totally out of control, and who pays for it? The general public.

The 700 billon dollar USA bailout to the banks was a reward to the very criminals who created the situation, and the public will have to pay it off through taxes...for generations yet to come.