The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123851   Message #2732522
Posted By: robomatic
27-Sep-09 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Pyramid schemes ARE NOT illegal.

IF you're the government, YOU'RE THE PYRAMID!

Anyhow, 60 Minutes (US Show, sorry) is supposedly gonna have an article tonight about how to trace Madoff's scheme out to address those who were impoverished, a subject which is dear to me because I'm interested in cons and also how to fix things.

It seems to me that given a pyramid scheme, there are no innocent victims in the legal sense, by which I mean an investor with or without knowledge is receiving stolen goods. Therefore, at the most, each investor should simply get their money back. No investor should make a profit off of it, because there never was a true profit.

So you go to the original documents, find out what went in, what went out, you claim everything that went out, seize the estate of the promoters, and use it all to repay the original 'ignorant' investors.

This is a redistribution of wealth to correct a crime.