The Mudcat can also benefit from karmic reward. If you're cookie jar has merely cookies in it, here's how to contribute: Perform an act of kindness.The Mudcat Cafe does have bills, yes. However, the point of the Mudcat is preserve and appreciate Traditional Music. You people are members of this organization just like me. This means you too have a responsibility. Folk Music is Local, Folk Music is Global. We must remember that for something to exist, we need to support it. That means we should buy folk albums, that means we should go to festivals and have and attend gatherings. If a Mudcatter, friend or associate has a gig, we make every effort to attend. If your community has open mic nights, even if it's all rock and roll kids, you must go and endure the experience and potential rejection and certain ignorance, you have to Sing Out.
Boy, that was sappy.
Oh, and I consider The Mudcat a work of Art. Banner ads can not be a part of my work of Art. There is nothing beautiful about banner ads.