The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123888   Message #2732754
Posted By: Bobert
27-Sep-09 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iran Had Secret Nuke Building Site
Subject: RE: BS: Iran Had Secret Nuke Building Site
Yo, Robo,

Stay tuned for the facts... They will come out that shows that the US wasn't all that surprised by this weeks "new" developements...

Might of fact, you prolly won't have to wait all that long before these facts find the surface... Of course, the Obama administartion will deny it... What else can they do now that Obma has huffed and puffed and threatned to blow Ackmadingaling's house down...

I didn't like much when Bush played war mongre and it ain't too flattering on Obama either...

I mean, can't we all just get along???
