The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24150   Message #273370
Posted By: thosp
07-Aug-00 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Not At All Musical: Thoughts on VPs?
Subject: RE: BS: Not At All Musical: Thoughts on VPs?
well as of this moment i am in the Nader camp ---- i'm so tired of voting for the lesser evil that i think may win --at this moment that would be Gore -- the only reason i voted for Clinton/Gore previously was because of Gore -- Clinton lost me early on -- this time around i want to vote for someone i really want ---- CarolC. and some of my friends say a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush -- i hope not -- i see your point -- but i think if enough people vote Green-Nader it may pull Gore (or even Bush) back to a stronger enviormental stance --well maybe not Bush -and take out the maybe --- also when Nader talks about the working class i feel that he reallycares and understands -- the others (Bush/Gore?etc.)seem to have gotten thier knowledge of the nonmillionaire set through the Hubble telescope --- so much for this rant

peace (Y) thosp