The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115452 Message #2734200
Posted By: Bill D
29-Sep-09 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spread the Truth About ACORN
Subject: RE: BS: Spread the Truth About ACORN
". If the reports were false, one might think the supporters would actually try to prove the FACTS, rather than attack the reporters."
So... the plan is to make 'reports' and accusations and especially insinuations so numerous...whether they have any real substance or not... that the 'supporters' can get little done except replying and clarifying? It makes little difference what is picked as a topic; just keep saying it, no matter WHAT replies and counters are offered.
"Obama won't provide his birth certificate!"
"But he is visible online!"
"Why WON'T he provide his birth certificate?"
"He did...and there are newspaper records from that date."
"We see they have faked BOTH his birth certificate AND newspaper records!"
"No they didn't...'birthers' have provided 2 or 3 fake birth certificates from Kenya."
"What an elaborate scheme to avoid providing his birth certificate!"
...... and so it goes, on 20 different topics....ACORN, health care, economy..... It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to make lot of noise & headlines and create an 'aura' of distrust.
We shall see how it plays out next year......some say Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot with this 'strategy'.