The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123801   Message #2734383
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
29-Sep-09 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Devil and the Feathery Wife
Subject: RE: Origins: The Devil and the Feathery Wife
Jim - I have no problems at all with his remakes. I saw Bert sing on numerous occasions in London during the 70s and always found him entertaining (and though I've met many people who didn't like his voice, I actually did - and still do). I see nothing wrong at all in editing texts to make something you're happier singing (do it, not all the time but often enough, myself).

The reason I suggested he used the ballad text as source is that in looking at the text of Martin's recording and one of the broadside texts of Politick Wife at the Bodleian, there are a few verses where they agree very closely (only a few), which I'd assumed were parts of the original taken (virtually) whole. But if Bert said he made it from the folk-tale I wouldn't be one to disagree with him!
