The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123889   Message #2734586
Posted By: Lox
29-Sep-09 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: The BNP conundrum
Subject: RE: BS: The BNP conundrum
"Lox if you call being told where i can and cannot go within this country by certain contributers not fascism get your head read! I am a single mother and having myself and my child threatened is certainly not my idea of fun!"


I am a single parent.

I live at a confidential address because my ex partners drug dealers threatened to come and get me if I didn't give my daughter up.

Fear of actual violence is a horrific thing.

As a single parent living in inner city London and having lived in the midlands, I know for a fact that Single parents are looked after well in this country.

We are given every opportunity to change our lot and if we don't wish to we will be supported until such time as we do unconditionally.

For the record I have chosen to change my lot and I am not on income support but changing my life with superb frontline support from the state.

Its the same for all of us.

"Lox if you call being told where i can and cannot go within this country by certain contributers not fascism get your head read!"

A few empty threats from a bunch of old folkies is not fascism.

You've been shown piles of evidence about who the BNP are, including videos of the BNP leader saying we should use the Navy sink the boats of refugees in the med, as well as of him denying the holocaust and teaching the KKK how to lie and make racism look acceptable so as to fool voters.

I don't know why you are ignoring it.

There are none so deaf as wwill not heaar, nor so blind as will not see.