The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123889   Message #2734795
Posted By: Royston
30-Sep-09 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: The BNP conundrum
Subject: RE: BS: The BNP conundrum

"1 There has been a drop in net immigration this year, probably due to recession so probably temporary

But that is the point Keith. Immigration mushroomed 1997-2007 because we were, rightly or wrongly - and gawd don't we know how wrongly now - we were in the middle of the strongest economic boom (bubble) in modern history.

We needed those workers and they came, worked and paid loads of tax. It was marvellous while it lasted. Are we still going too fast for you?

That's why, in the same period we got all those immigrants, the UK unemployment figures fell every year. Because we had the jobs. Companies went on recruitment drives in Eastern Europe because there weren't enough workers in this country to fill the lower-paid agricultural or industrial or services jobs.

With the recession, obviously, migrant workers are not coming here in the same numbers and a lot are going back home. I still don't understand why you are trying to claim there is a problem which, if it existed at all, is now correcting itself with the assistance of a new points-based set of controls.

When the recession ends then I'm sure that more migrants will apply to work here and they will be assessed and allowed in if we need them and we have the jobs for them. I just don't understand you Keith.

Keith, are you content that immigration is no longer proceeding at an unprecedented rate and that is is reducing?

Do you accept that the government has introduced, in 2008, a new system that screens work permit applications to ensure that people are needed here and that they will be contributors to our society.

I am not going to continue to debate 2007 or 2004 or 1950 figures with you. Let's talk about now, today. What concerns you now?