The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123889   Message #2734932
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
30-Sep-09 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: The BNP conundrum
Subject: RE: BS: The BNP conundrum
Here is the relevant extract for you, but you should read it all.
I am much more puzzled about the fuss relating to my life Fellowship of the Galton Institute, formerly the Eugenics Society.

I find it difficult to believe that those behind the petition know anything about 'eugenics', or about the Institute or about me.

I suppose 'eugenics', a rather retro word little used nowadays, remains a boo-word for those looking for Dr Mengele under the bed.

Indeed I have come across 'Eugenics watch' on the web, which I commend to all afficionados of paranoia.

In it Dr Mengele features prominently. The Galton Institute does not do 'research on eugenics' and neither do I.

Four substantial demographic publications edited by me, with others, have appeared under its aegis, mostly published by Academic Press and Macmillan.

The pre-war British eugenics 'movement' was innocent of Continental excesses, although like many 'meritocratic' ideas it was afflicted by the simple-minded understanding of heredity at that time.

The Institute aims to promote knowledge of human heredity, discussion of its moral and ethical aspects and its consequences for human well-being. The academic distinction of its Council will be evident from a glance at its website