The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24150   Message #273504
Posted By: Whistle Stop
08-Aug-00 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Not At All Musical: Thoughts on VPs?
Subject: RE: BS: Not At All Musical: Thoughts on VPs?
Well, let's see. I agree with CarolC that Clinton has been a much better President than he's given credit for. But I also agree with Luther that we should vote for the person we want to win, rather than betting on it like a horse race.

TTR, I hate to break the news to you, but the WTO protest fiasco in Seattle did more to harm the protesters' various causes than it did to help them; they certainly didn't win a lot of hearts and minds in the rest of the country. This is what happens when people decide to "take it to the streets" without first deciding to get their shit together. In my most humble opinion (and recognizing that this may not endear me to the majority of Mudcatters), people are much too quick these days to opt for street protests; it's fun, it's relatively easy, and it's oh so romantic. Create a ragged list of "causes" to complain about (don't bother with solutions; that's someone else's job), round up a bunch of college students, encourage them to clown around (pharmaceuticals don't hurt) and create disturbances in the streets (since it's a "protest," the usual rules of civility are suspended), and then disavow all responsibility when things go awry.

As for me, I have more respect for people who actually work within the system to bring about change -- it's frustrating, and you have to content yourself with compromise and incremental progress, but in the end it's a more honorable way to proceed. Street protests are have their place, but as far as I'm concerned they are what you should resort to when the system freezes you out -- they should not be the first option of choice, as I fear they are for too many people who don't have the patience for the more tedious process of working for real change. And if you do opt for protesting in the streets, as far as I'm concerned you have to take responsibility for what you've unleashed, whether it's what you intended or not.

A rant of my own; I will now proceed to duck and cover.