The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75174   Message #2735518
Posted By: jeddy
30-Sep-09 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
i have tried looking for this, but no cigar.
could someone tel me if guy and his pals had succeeded, would they have brought back witch hunting? or if not that then the torture of people for being pagan?

i have real alot of historical fiction books but as you all know my head is not built to remember dates and stuff, and i have that many of around or before that time that rereading them is really not an option.

the thing is, as much as i am dissappointed by the government we have now, we have come along way since then.

think of the history we would have missed out on if their plot had succeeded.
the feeling we have toward that building and those inside, have probably not changed that much. mistrust, abuse of power and not connecting to the little people who make this country work.

take care all

jade x x x x