The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110504   Message #2735573
Posted By: MGM·Lion
01-Oct-09 - 02:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Subject: RE: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
I haven't read right thru this long thread which has just been refreshed; so if this has been mentioned before, apologies — but I suspect not.

Visiting friends in LA in Oct 2003, my late wife & I {not RC} visited the new Cathedral; where we were interested to find a Chapel dedicated to child victims of clerical sexual abuse. This seemed to us some attempt to make amends. Is anyone else on this thread aware of this Chapel? Has visited it? Entered it for purpose of prayer, perhaps? Nobody I have mentioned it to, in US or here in UK, has known about it. Is it still there?