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Thread #123889   Message #2735625
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
01-Oct-09 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: The BNP conundrum
Subject: RE: BS: The BNP conundrum
That might be appropriate Kieth, as I think the broader 'immigration' question is a Red Herring on what is supposedly a thread about the BNP.

I think what this thread has reminded me, is the fact that the BNP *rather than* simply proposing greater restrictions on economic migration - on the grounds of it having a negative social and economic impact on the UK's poorer communities (in fact I'd still quite like to know more about this: if it's true, and if so - how it aught to be addressed politically) - are actually proposing restricting migration from specific races who they deem to 'pollute the pure English ethnic stock'.

Simply put, they only really give a crap about the colour of people's skin in the UK. And want to return that colour to pre-40's Britain by keeping out Brown people from elsewhere (all the "honourable" working-class loyalty stuff, is bullshit intended to garner votes), turfing out Brown people from elsewhere who've already settled here, and (I believe) STERILISING those Brown children born here of mixed race parentage that they can't just turf out.

These two matters, while both broadly relating to immigration, are actually quite utterly different and need strictly extricating from each other, for the broader voting public. And, the *exclusively racial agenda* of the immigration policies (which is simply another manifestation of their racial purity policies) of the BNP is something that possibly needs to be brought home far more clearly to potential BNP supporters, who might otherwise be swayed by social and economic anxieties during an economic crisis.