The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123935   Message #2736635
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Oct-09 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Home Education UK
Subject: RE: BS: Home Education UK
"I would suggest that a lot of the top musicians and artists did poorly in school, and many of the probably have learning disabilities. That seems to be fairly common with very creative people."

Carol, I've been trying to tell people that for years and years..had a thread over on the BBC called 'Musicians and Dyslexia' years's still there, somewhere...but my goodness, didn't 'they' hound me out of town for that one.

I can tell a musician who's dyslexic, autistic...purely from watching them...

Some of our best musicians are...and it's way past time that they felt proud of that fact, because it sure is nothing to be ashamed of.

So many famous people, scientists, politicians, musicians, artists..etc...are on 'the circle'

I think it's absolute magic!