The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123935   Message #2736742
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Oct-09 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Home Education UK
Subject: RE: BS: Home Education UK
"Appropriate intervention by skilled experts can and does get round or overcome such problems and enables a more or less "normal" life (whatever that is)."

Hellooooeeee? Dyslexia is NOT a problem. It ONLY becomes a problem when children are forced to learn (only in schools) in a non-dyslexic way, by non-dyslexic brained people, who seem totally UNABLE to accept that all brains do NOT think as theirs do.

I know people with Aspergers and they can be the kindest, warmest people at times...

Sorry, dyslexia IS a gift, because without the creative minds, this world would be a very sorry place. It only becomes a pain in the arse when we have to confront those who think we MUST think and do as *they* do...and the sooner the Dyslexic people of this world stand together and say "Eff off and leave us alone, because we're perfectly happy being as we are!" the better we'll all be.

It's kinda like being left-handed in this bloody right handed world.
Left to my own ways I'd right from right to left, read from right to left, but...nope..I have to adjust to *their* world, the right handers that is. WHY?   At school people grumped at me for nudging them with my arm, my hand was always covered in ink, because it rested on what I'd just written...My brain tossed and turned at trying to read back to front, in a world of people who didn't understand how that felt.

God, I can recall doing 'writing exercises' that nearly made me fall over my chair with dizziness! Trying to do a number eight fried my brain utterly....and the patterns....

To this day I cannot do patterns. I cannot fit something into the correct shape.

In the National Trust shop, Natalia did the '1,2,3, folding' thing when showing customers how to fold their little shopping bags into almost nothing, whilst I stared at it, flummoxed....then smiled at the customer and got them laughing at my head.   

We had some wonderful jars of jams....I cooed over the beauty of the glass, the shape of the jars...but Natalia saw only the practical side, the difficulty in washing them, filling them again..the customer who was listening to us laughed out loud at the Creative and the Scientific brain...   :0)

School confused me. It confused my children.   

Home Educationn doesn't do that, because they learnt/learn in the way they are intended to, not in the way that they are expected to.

Oh...and two Steiner schools have won an opt out decision from having to make their toddlers write and read to the National Curriculum. Read it in the paper The Times...

Yay, sock it to 'em Steiner!
And sock it to 'em Carol, too, because she's talking one helluva lot of sense. Why? Because she's living in a world that most people here don't understand and seem determined NOT to understand.