The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63618   Message #2736846
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Oct-09 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: dyslexia jokes offensive?
Subject: RE: dyslexia jokes offensive?
"I completely agree with you about Eric Morecambe, Lizzie, but just what exactly made you laugh in that video you posted? It's a parody of a well-known scene - what did they change to make it funny? What did they add that wasn't in the original? What makes us laugh at it?"

It's Eric. You always knew what he was going to do....and he always did it...but somehow, he was just absolutely hilarious when he did it....I used to curl up in giggles on the settee, watching them, when I was little...

And the sketch where he used to con Ern out of the money...and the other one with the flea, in the brown paper bag...I'm laughing now, just thinking about them..It took me an AGE to perfect the flea jumping into the brown paper bag...but I got there, eventually.. :0)

Gosh, I so miss them at Christmas time...

Once, almost the entire nation used to tune in to their Christmas show and how we'd all laugh!

Now we get the Dumbed Down Soaps vying with each other for ratings, so we have stories of incest, murder, rape, shouting, screaming...and they wonder why folks in this country are so bloomin' depressed, fed a diet of misery and nastiness all the time?????

Bring back Eric and Ern...If only, eh...

Ooh, look! I've found them with....The Beatles! :0)