The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16903 Message #2736904
Posted By: GUEST,Charlie Taylor
02-Oct-09 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: Indian Neck Memories
Subject: RE: Indian Neck Memories
I looked at some of the photos of the early festivals, and was reminded of a couple of things: Everbody looks pretty straight by later standards-like a bunch of Yalies and their girlfriends-which many of the spectators were, including myself.So much for 'folks', but you gotta start somewhere.And Bob Dylan, whom I heard, and didn't think much of.Just another middle-class kid trying to sound down home.I was a big fan of the Country Gentlemen,who were real hillbillies singing real hillbilly music.They wouldn't have been caught dead at Indian Neck-if it had occured to anyone to invite them.On the other hand, I also liked the New Lost City Ramblers, who could hardly have been accused of being 'authentic', even if their music did sound liked it crawled out of 'some dark holler'.This authenticity business was complicated-still is.