The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124011   Message #2737030
Posted By: bubblyrat
02-Oct-09 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK immigration too high?
Subject: RE: BS: UK immigration too high?
Well, I guess it doesn't really matter what their religion,language or ethnicity is----the point is,the UK is becoming increasingly crowded and over-populated.Of course,this is not immediately apparent if you drive across Dartmoor or Salisbury Plain,but it IS if you go to Slough,or Birmingham,or London (obviously !) etc,but unfortunately most immigrants are neither inclined nor encouraged,or even permitted, to settle "en masse" in rural areas,which in any case would lead to frighteningly complex, demographically insuperable logistic and social problems.
             Of course,it is impossible to try and draw any sort of attention to one's perception of the existence of any kind of demographic imbalance or upheaval ,with uncontrolled immigration as a causal factor,without being immediately branded a racist or a BNP supporter,particularly,I'm sorry to say,on the Mudcat,so at the end of the day it hardly seems worth the bother of commenting.