The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123889   Message #2737221
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
03-Oct-09 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: The BNP conundrum
Subject: RE: BS: The BNP conundrum
A couple of days ago I had not heard of Coleman, and knew only of eugenics that Nazi Germany used it to justify sterilisation of handicapped people and extermination of Jews, Gypsies and gays.

Then it was brought up to discredit Coleman and through him Migration Watch.

I googled all I could find on Coleman.
As an Oxford professor of Demography, he is a leading authority in the world on poulation changes.
Because he believes UK immigration is too high he was a victim of a far left smear campaign to get him sacked.
It failed because it was found to be groundless.

Eugenics is the Science of using genetics to improve the human gene pool. The Nazis and others thought to achieve improvement by eliminating "inferior" races and people.
Modern eugenics seek to do it by preventing the spread of inherited diseases by genetic profiling and counselling.
The word eugenics is rarely used because of the association with evil practices.

I found that the Galton Institute does no research, but organises lectures and seminars on the ethical use of genetics. They also have a trust that funds family planning help in poor countries.
Its president is a professor of genetics at Universty College London.

In Hitler's time the Jewish left wing sociologist Glass was invoved with it, which shows the gulf betweeen it and the nazis.

When I posted to Jade I remebered that she hates wading through figures and long explanations. I said the Galton only does good things.
Though simple, I have been able to find nothing that undermines that.