The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123935   Message #2738583
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
05-Oct-09 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Home Education UK
Subject: RE: BS: Home Education UK
And 'Daisybell' is.........?

Sorry, Mary...but I've been 'set up' wayyyyyyy too many times.....

Take a look at Joan Crump's commetts in the link on the thread about attacks on fellow Mudcatters, and THEN perhaps think about re-directing your comments above.

And 'Daisybell' is?????????

Who knows, huh.

I take it though that as 'Daisybell' has said she's at an all girl's school, then she's either at a Girl's Grammar School, or a Private girl's school, because I don't think we have Girls only school in the State system, do we?

So....we have the daughter of a Mudcatter at a private/grammar school, which goes against *everything* that most of the English folkies believe in, in fact, they abhor it.

Tell you what Mary, if I was sitting here telling them that my daughter was at a grammar/private school all Socialist Hell would break loose over me, but....strangely, not one of them has even mentioned this amazing fact.

Weird, huh?

Now, if, of course, 'Daisybell' is really who she says she is, then of course she is welcome here, but I hope she realises that private education is somewhat different to the state run is a lot more privleged and somewhat laid back, because certainly, in Sidmouth's private school, St. John's, the older children are taught to take CARE of the younger ones, staying beside them as 'friends' for a long opposed to Tavistock College, where the older ones stood at the top of the stairwell pouring boiling hot drinks down on the younger ones coming up the stairs...

So yes, Daisy seems to go to a wonderful school, where there is no stress, and taking 13 exams at once is so easy peasy that everyone is getting A's AND having the most wonderful social life too...which is a marvellous example of how well school can actually work well if the teachers work to protect the children from stress.....although quite how you can study for 13 exams at once and barely have to worry about working, is a bit of a mystery to me, but then....maybe, with my brain, I've not been blessed in the same way.

'Daisybell' is a very lucky girl...but I'm sure she appreciates this.

I look forward to her joining Mudcat and coming to many of the other threads and I hope she'll find loads of exciting information here about the folk world.

There ya go, Mary.

Oh...and I've taught my children to always question things, too.

Glad to hear you're not obsessed with me, Dave. I was getting just the teensiest bit worried there.