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Thread #123889   Message #2738710
Posted By: Azizi
05-Oct-09 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: The BNP conundrum
Subject: RE: BS: The BNP conundrum
Letter to editor:

Marie Stopes and the eugenic use of birth control

Sir – I was astonished to learn (report, August 23) that the Royal Mail is including a stamp commemorating Marie Stopes in its series to mark women's achievements.

Stopes was a notorious eugenicist and an anti-Semite who advocated the sterilisation of poor women to promote the welfare of "the Race".

Indeed her birth-control organisation was called the Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress, and her clinics were established in poor areas of London to control the numbers of the poor.

The majority of feminists ignored her campaign, not because they were prudish but because they feared that birth control would undermine women's rights to refuse unwanted sexual relationships.
-Ann Farmer, Woodford Green, Essex

4 of 20 comments from readers of Gerald Warner's article about Marie Stopes:

"Surprise at your 20/20 hindsight vision on this one Gerald -you have been reading too much of the propaganda of the victors
H. G Wells and GBS were both in favour of the fashionable 20thc wheeze of eugenics to improve the racial stock so Hitler had many well placed admirers other than Ms Mitford..
Or in matters of eugenics how about this?

'The unnatural and increasingly rapid rise of the feeble-minded and insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady reduction of the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate. I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed uop before another year has passed.'
Adolf Hitler? NO!. Winston Spencer Churchill to Asquith in 1910.

So Ms Stopes is in very elevated company and hindsight is a wonderful gift is it not?
- davidjay on Aug 28th, 2008

"The most interesting part of this blog is missing: whose idea was this stamp? My guess is that great population reductionist and father of four, Prince Philip.

There is a slow, bowel-like movement in progress to groom the public to accept the reintroduction of eugenics and enforced sterilisation in the West, which was making such spiffing progress in the UK and US until Hitler gave the practice a bad name.
The movement never went away; it was just taken underground by the likes of Henry Kissinger and the Rockefellers. More recent additions to our globalist elite, such as technocrat Bill Gates, have given billions to population reduction "charities":

Enforced sterilisation is going on now in the Third World but its progress is hard to gage given the media blackout. Few know that Alberto Fujimori's government conducted a policy of forced sterilisation among women in poor areas of Peru. A policy of Western aid in exchange for population reduction by any means is in full swing. I'd be unsurprised if Western incentives are behind Mugabe's strange behaviour in Zimbabwe.

We can all expect to be subjected through school education, the media and Hollywood to slow, insidious indoctrination of the merits and necessity of eugenics, sterilisation and one-child families.

"The present vast over population, now far beyond the world carrying capacity cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization, abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction in the numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary".쳌
-rockefeller on Aug 28th, 2008

It is so easy to vilify people who are long dead says Canary Islander. But then it is also so easy to do the opposite.

I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but there are ways of thinking that are of their time or even fashionable. Even Darwin, a gentleman by birth and by nature, thought that the English were the peak of human evolution, and worried that they would be outbred by the Scots...

-hedgehogfive on Aug 28th, 2008 at 5:18 pm

Several years ago I spent a few months in Calcutta.. During that time I visited a home set up solely for rescued survivors of late term sex selective abortions.. In this home there were 152 baby girls and toddlers,from about 7 months gestation (i.e.recently rescued from abortion clinics having been aborted alive) to 2 years of age.. They were extremely well cared for and were destined to be adopted by Western families.. Along Chowringee,a major thoroughfare in Calcutta,and in other parts of the city there was evidence of only ONE abortion provider that advertised and promoted abortion as "Affordable" "Safe" and "legal" on large billboards and posters.. It was "Marie Stopes International".
-the_mahout on Sep 3rd, 2008