The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123851   Message #2738855
Posted By: Stringsinger
05-Oct-09 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Micheal Moore is the one of the few people in the marketplace today who has the temerity to tackle honestly the social issues of the day. Some may quarrel with the term "honestly" but I don't see any one else outside of say Greenwald and Ironweed who are making any films that address the real problems of this country. You can shoot the messenger if you want to but the message remains clear.

Capitalism as we know it today does not work for the average American. The super rich control the government and reap the profits undeservingly. Wall Street has become an agent of exploitation. Tax money from the American people has been stolen.

"Some will rob you with a six gun and others with a fountain pen"...Woody, "Pretty Boy Floyd."

I found Moore's film to be too much Catholicism for my taste so I have my nit-picks too.

I think the film does a real service by tackling uncomfortable subjects such as insurance companies collecting profits on dead people, politicians being bought off by corporations and lobbyists and a general philosophical Ponzi scheme where many Americans think they have a shot at the Brass Ring and can become super tycoons. I call that the American Delusion.

Where I think Moore doesn't deliver is on the role contemporary religion plays in fostering the Delusion and its emphasis on the capitalist profit making at the expense of human needs. Moore's films were not made to make money for corporations. Leave that to O'Reilly and his ilk.

Moore's appropriate approbation of American unionism is addressed in a concise way.

Whatever you think of Moore personally if you are a thinking American you have to admit that he addresses important issues head on without fear of rejection by corporate, political, lobbying powers or those in our contemporary government who are being bought and sold.

Frank Hamilton