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Thread #123935   Message #2739098
Posted By: CarolC
05-Oct-09 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Home Education UK
Subject: RE: BS: Home Education UK
In Alabama, the parents of children in church schools have to report their child's attendance in a church school. The school does not have to report it. The school only countersigns the form. The school has to obey fire codes and things like that. They are not subject to accreditation, their curricula don't have to be approved, the teachers don't have to hold certificates from the state board of education, and there is no mandatory length of school year. The church schools don't have any academically related requirements.

At the end of the fifth day from the opening of the public school, the principal teacher of each private school, but not church school, must report to the local superintendent the names and addresses of all children age 7-16 enrolled; and thereafter, at least weekly the names of students absent without excuse. Code of Ala. 1975 § 16-28-7.

At church schools, enrollment and attendance must be reported to the local public school superintendent by the parent or guardian on a form provided by the superintendent. The administrator of the church school countersigns the enrollment form. If a child leaves the church school, the church school will notify the local public school superintendent, by prior consent of the parent or guardian. Ala. Code § 16-28-7.

Length of School Year/Day: Under the compulsory attendance law, children attending private schools, but not church schools, are required to attend "the entire length of the school term." Ala. Code § 16-28-3.

Instruction in English: Private schools, but not church schools, are required to use the English language in giving instruction. Ala. Code § 16-28-1(1).

Teacher Certification: Instruction at private schools, but not church schools, must be provided by persons holding certificates issued by the state superintendent of education. Ala. Code § 16-28-1 (1)a, (2).

Curriculum: Private schools, but not church schools, are required to offer instruction in "the several branches of study required to be taught in the public schools." Ala. Code § 16-28-1(1).

Private schools, but not church schools, must provide a physical education program which conforms to the program outlined by the Alabama Department of Education. Ala. Code § 16-40-1.