The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124011   Message #2739569
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
06-Oct-09 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK immigration too high?
Subject: RE: BS: UK immigration too high?
""This debate is not about existing immigrant communities. Nobody is remotely suggesting that they should leave. The issue is how many more people our island can sustain.""

With respect Keith, that is exactly what many people ARE suggesting, and they are finding their voice through that organisation we are discouraged from naming in this thread.

There are TWO points worth taking into account.

1. If you are, as you say, only concerned with future immigration, then the controls are already in place, and simply need tuning to the necessary level.

2. If you see those controls as being insufficient or non-existent, perhaps there might be a need to re-examine your point of view?

I will also point out that members of the aforementioned organisation are loudly applauding your efforts here, and consider you as somewhat of a hero, on their Facebook discussion board.

If that were me they were cheering, I'd be looking to find where I had gone wrong.

Of course you could always go the whole hog, and join..........

Don T.