The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123851   Message #2739780
Posted By: Stringsinger
06-Oct-09 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism: A Love Story
The difference goes as far as rhetoric is concerned but when the Democratic Congress and Senate vote for defeating public options on insurance reform, support a failed foreign policy in Afghanistan,bail out the Wall Street tycoons, take money from well-heeled lobbyists, then Nader has to be recognized as a whistle blower. But so does Micheal Moore.

Unfortunately, the Democratic Party has sold out to Special Interests. Those on the Left sit quietly and wait for Obama to do something to correct the flaws in the System. They may be "waiting for Godot". Meanwhile Democratic politicians still take exorbitant money from corporations and lobbyists for not only insurance and big pharma but the defense contractors as well.

I think Moore's next film should be on the deterioration and the privatization of the American educational system. Americans have been "dumbed down" beyond belief.