The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124106   Message #2740317
Posted By: jeddy
07-Oct-09 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
Subject: RE: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
lizzie, i see where you are coming from, i really do. i guess i don't fully understand because things don't work that way round here.

my other half is on DLA, so whenever we ask for help it is USUALLY there. however when we were going through a particualarly bad time we were referred to a damn care worker when what was needed was a shrink.
this to get an appointment we had to wait about 4 months. after that we had to wait another 2/3 months to see a shrink. this was down to red tape.

so believe me i understand your frustration.

could you see if something lie watchdog will take this up?
or contact a solicitor like someone here suggested?

when i said it must be intimidating to be ranted at, i am only using the words you yourself used in your first post.

what i did not know was that you are in private housing, it should not matter of course but it seems to.

i think the main problem is local councils have different criteria for things, what you will get in one place with no fuss, you have to fight tooth and nail for somewhere else.

is vi registered with age concern or some sort of carer service?

what i was trying to put accross is although some service should be helping you with looking after vi, getting these handles or a seat can be sorted without a battle. once she is sorted you are then free to get get compensated by the authorites.

have you asked your local doctors if they can help with renting or the loan of a chair to help you out.
our doctors has all sorts of things to loan, but i don't know exactly what as we had no need for anything from them(fingers crossed we won't for ages yet).

there are alot of charities out there just waiting for you to ask for help, maybe if your doctors can't help, they may be able to reccomend somewhere.

i am only interested in trying to hep vi for the time being, once she is sorted i will agree that things are getting out of hand when it comes to assisting those in need.

i really hope the going to the press, embarasses the social services or the council to do something for her, my worry is they will shut down even further.

i wish you every luck in getting this sorted for her.

take care all

jade x x x