The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124106   Message #2740351
Posted By: Emma B
07-Oct-09 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
Subject: RE: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
"The woman looked at the bath...and suggested a wooden seat to go across the bath. The way, Vi could sit on it safely, pull the shower curtain across and use the shower handle to wash herself.

But she wasn't happy with that, Vi, that is...saying she'd prefer the handles....but the lady wouldn't let her have them, as she considered them far more of a risk than the seat.."

....and please consider your relative's safety if you decide to ignore the Occupational Therapist's judgement (apparently not based on cost) and provide an aide yourself