The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124106   Message #2740533
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
07-Oct-09 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
Subject: RE: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
"Now lots of overworked NHS and Social Services staff will be spending long hours of their valuable time justifying their actions to a bunch of journalists who couldn't really care less as long as they get a sensationalist story that fits their own agenda."

Could I just get this straight, please.

The Occupational Therapist *herself* asked me to go right to the top with this one.

They are at the blunt end of this, having to tell the patients that they can't have this and they can't have that, whilst those at the top hide behind closed doors and leave them to get on with it all, whilst not giving a hoot about their patients.

I've worked with doctors and nurses and I know how damn hard they work, how terrible, at times, their lives are with what they have to see, do and cope with. I have nothing but admiration for them.

The OT came back 15 minutes later with all the details for me, because she wanted me to complain.

So...put that in your pipe and smoke it, sonny. Yeesh!

Show of Hands, jeddy, wrote 'Cutthroats Crooks and Conmen' a wonderful song about what is happening and who this land is being run by. It was written under a Tory govt. but it applies just as much, if not more, today.

Show of Hands are part of the reason I found my voice.

Sadly, they too wanted it stopped.

Luckily, as you will see by the Insubordination Smiley on my Myspace page, I don't listen to even them....

Yes, I will let you know of the outcome about all this.

One outcome is that Vi too has found her voice...and when BT sent her a rude letter telling her she was overdue in her payment of her bill and she had better pay immediately (despite only having had the line put in a week before) she, instead of handing me the bill, rang them herself and wiped the floor with them for sending out such a worriesome letter.

She spent ages reading it, through her magnifying glass, as she's registered blind..then wrote out her customer reference number in HUGE letters so that she could quote it to them.

At 95 she has turned into a fighter..