The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124106   Message #2740550
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
07-Oct-09 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
Subject: RE: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
Look, the WHOLE point of getting the Occupational therapist IN was so that she could asses Vi, see what she needed, see her getting in and out of the bath etc....

I phoned for that appointment the day after we moved here...and believe me, jacqui, I was stressed beyond belief at the time...

I was told I'd have to wait SEVEN weeks for an appointment and at no time was I told that she'd probably never get any help anyway.

If I'd been told that, I'd have kicked up a stink anyway, done the same thing, but I waited because I felt that she was the right person to see.

I bathed Vi myself, but it was a disaster, because she was very distressed over the lack of privacy. She's fiercely independant and has always managed with handles on the wall before.

The seat is far more cumbersome for her and you have to have handles on the bath itself, in front of the seat, to push yourself in and out. She can't cope with the thought of that and they'd not supply it anyway.

I will ensure that now, something is done immediately. Had I known about this crazy state of affairs 7 weeks back, I'd have made other arrangements back then, as well as shouting out about it.

jacqui, I'm afraid I take offence at your remarks, because I've looked after 3 out of 4 of my 'parents and parents-in-law' since my daughter was one year old. I've barely ever had a time when I've just had my own little family to care for, because others needed help to...and at times it's been exhausting and upsetting, but I damn well gritted my teeth and did it.

so please do not dare suggest that I'm not caring for Vi as I should be, because that really gets up my nose.

Thank you..

And as you are English, you should know and understand what is at principle here. You may think it's fine for Torbay Care Trust to behave as they've done, I didn't...and to be honest, neither does their OT lady, or the man in the Complaints Department that I rang.

I'm no snivelling coward and if something's wrong, I'll damn well say it, no matter what.

However, please do not let any of my words above stop you from the usual lizzie bashing...