The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124106   Message #2740602
Posted By: mandotim
07-Oct-09 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
Subject: RE: 95 years old, can't have a bath on NHS!
Thanks for the permission Lizzie, I'll do my best to oblige. I've read everything you've posted in this thread and many others over the years. Carefully, and generally with an open mind. I've supported your ideas from time to time, and disagreed at other times. The problem here is that I actually know for certain what I'm talking about here, I have direct experience both in my professional and private life. Someone as self-obsessed as you probably won't care about this, but aside from my mother's hip replacements, one of the factors that contributed to the death of my blind, disabled kid brother earlier this year was the failure of a private landlord to fix a handrail by some dangerous steps down to my brother's flat. He fell, was unconcious for three days, and in all likelihood this precipitated the Addisonian Crisis that killed him. I tried to fix the handrail myself, but the landlord threatened to have me arrested for vandalising his property. He too was seen as 'not a priority case', as his family regularly made the 260 mile round trip to clean his flat and check he was ok. Don't you dare presume to lecture me about caring and problems with equipment.
In my professional life I have been involved in investigating some of these cases, and in redesigning services to provide better care. I know how this system works, and all that people like you do is slow it down and make it even less efficient. There is a complaints procedure you could have used,and there are lots of avenues you could have explored to get this small job done even if you are not competent to do it yourself. Whatever; Vi would have been able to have a bath ages ago, and wouldn't have had to suffer the indignities you describe.
Your self obsession and total lack of self awareness, coupled with the inability to listen to sound advice has caused more distress for Vi than was necessary. Silly Old Biddy doesn't begin to cover it. I'm out of here.