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Thread #123935   Message #2740679
Posted By: jeddy
07-Oct-09 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Home Education UK
Subject: RE: BS: Home Education UK
emma and crow sister have it spot on!!!

i can tell you that my nephews are part of this problem.
it is now nanny and grandad who are teaching them to sit down to eat, ater 5 years of trying that is.
these kids don't have a bed time, they have a time where they are sent upstairs.
when the boys were born, they were farmed out to pretty much anyone. they still smoked in the house.
then my neice was born, no one was allowed near her and they only smoked by the back door.
now she has grown up abit, she is as farmable as the two boys.

none of them say please and thankyou, they have no respect for their house, or anyone elses.
all they really want to do is sit in front of their games consoles, which is ok for me as i am a sort of grown up.

i have to admit their parents are getting better now, because they take them swimming and football and cricket, but when at home, they are pretty much left to it.

they hardly ever get taken out for the day by their parents, thats nanny and grandads job.
even when they take them to petting farms, they get bored, because anyone who has ever played x box, will understand games move alot faster than real life.

even when they were younger, we couldn't buy them board games or things appropraite for their age as they had out grown them.

sorry if no one finds this relevent, but it has bugged us for years, what they are doing to these kids.

take care all

jade x x x x