The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2740873
Posted By: Stringsinger
07-Oct-09 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
When you speak of reform, it has to be done large.
When the Insurance Mafia owns the country, then U.S.
citizens have to be shaken out of their sleep.

The U.S. is nine years into a failed war which has not
made our country more safe. It's supporting fraudulent
elections and warlords. The U.S. is revisiting
the fiasco in Vietnam.

How can you expect a public that has been so drugged
by the media, the lobbyists, bankers and military to resolve
the issue of health care?

Obama is throwing the American people crumbs by a
watered-down bill using a "public option" and the citizens
are allowing this to happen as they also allow their tax dollars to be spent on a futile nine year fiasco. This, while the insurance racketeers are paying for elections.

The educational system in the U.S. is being corrupted
by re-writing text books by the likes of Bill Bennett
and Neil Bush in a privatized manner gutting the
ideals of Thomas Jefferson for a public education.

If the American people were truly responsible, they wouldn't be supporting unscrupulous insurance companies, banking institutions, military hoodwinking
by bloody generals, gutting public education but would
be out in the streets demanding accountability.

For this, though, you would have to have democracy.