The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2741448
Posted By: Azizi
08-Oct-09 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
"Two major powerbrokers on the left...are encouraging a Senate strategy in which the leadership would revoke chairmanships and other leadership positions from any Democrat who sides with a Republican filibuster to block a vote on health reform."

Since then, thousands of progressives have signed the Progressive Change Campaign Committee's newpetition to Senate Leader Harry Reid saying:

"Any Democratic senators who support a Republican attempt to block a vote on health care reform should be stripped of their leadership titles. Americans deserve a clean up-or-down vote on health care." Sign here.

What does this proposal mean? In general, it means Democrats need to be Democrats!

Republicans are planning to use the Senate "filibuster" procedure to block a vote on health care reform. But if all Senate Democrats stick together, a clean up-or-down vote will take place.

This means 51 votes -- not "60 votes" -- would be needed to pass reform. And winning a public health insurance option would be very likely.

Together, we can make that happen.

Which senators would feel pressure from this proposal? All the senators who are siding with the insurance companies and opposing the public option: Max Baucus (D-MT), Kent Conrad (D-ND), Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) are some examples.

Let's send a clear message: It's not OK for Democratic senators to join with Republicans to block a vote on health care. Period.

Please sign the petition."

* more than 20,000

from Thousands Pressure Harry Reid After Maddow's Report
by AdamGreen
Thu Oct 08, 2009 at 09:49:25 AM PDT