The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12513   Message #2741532
Posted By: Art Thieme
08-Oct-09 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: song search: 'The Shelton Bros.Gang'--S. IL
Subject: LYR ADD: ALONE AWAY OUT THERE sung by Fred Henson
Here, folks, are the words to the song as sung by Fred Henson   on the flip side of the "Death Of Carl Shelton" 78-rpm record. It is a good song; one I might've done tied in tandem with a good tall tale and/or another appropriate song. --- Art


Way out on an old sheep ranch while herding sheep one day,
Old Shep and I were all alone a-rounding up the strays,
We met a man upon a horse; he said, "Sir, what's your name?"
"I've come out west all for my health, and I want to buy your claim."

"The price", he said,"all for your spread?"-I said, "I hardly know."
He said, "I'll give you 20 grand."---And he counted out the dough,
So we rode back to the adobe shack I used to call my own,
He paid me off, I signed the deed, and started on to roam.

Alone away out there,
Where skies are always fair,
Old Old Shep and I, we loved our home,
Alone and way out there.

I landed in a western town where all was on a boom,
I went into a gambling den they called the Silver Moon,
I placed my bets upon the dice---the house man, he was tall,
The money that Shep and I had earned--- soon I lost it all.

I chanced to meet upon the street a girl so young and fair,
She said, "Young man, come along with me--I'll drive away all care."
So I played around about a week with a dame I thought was true,
But when she found that I was broke and bid our love adieu.

Alone away out there...

So I went back to the adobe shack not knowing what to do,
Deciding that I'd find Old Shep and start my life anew,
I looked around for my old dog, but nowhere could I see,
The wagging tail and smiling eyes that meant so much to me.

The man came out that bought the place, said "Listen while I tell,
About how he met his death down by the sheep corral,
He laid around and wouldn't eat---could hardly get his breath,
He howled all night like he was lost--and grieved himself to death."

Alone away out there--
The skies are always fair,
Old Shep and I -- we loved our home--
Alone--and way out there.

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