The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2741751
Posted By: DougR
09-Oct-09 - 12:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
GuestTIA: I watched the video. What are you looking for? Want me to write that I could care less? That's obviously what you expect.

The person depicted in the video is just one of thousands of people like her who have terrible problems and seemingly no way of solving them. Do I have sympathy for her? Of course! Only a heartless, non-caring individual would not.

However, the Bill that will soon be voted on in the congress will demolish my current health care program. Do you feel badly about that? I suspect you could care less.

The majority of the funding for the proposed program will come from cuts from Medicare Advantage which provides my coverage. The Democrats plan is going to adversely affect millions of elderly people who have paid into Social Security during their entire working years so that the current administration can ensure election in the next presidential campaign. And I assume you are one of those who believe that us old timers should celebrate.

The Democrats will get some sort of health care Bill passed, but it's not going to do what Obama promised. Nothing new about that though. His promises are "horse pucky" anyway. It won't provide coverage to everybody but it might be enough to get the Democrats re-elected. But on the other hand might not.
