The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106057   Message #2742575
Posted By: Micca
09-Oct-09 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: Where is Micca?????
Subject: RE: Where is Micca?????
After an amazing session at The Press room that included some Dutch folkies (including the Shanty singer that Johnny Collins used to stay with in Holland!!) I am back Chez Linn and Tom and about to join a Lying-down workshop. The hospitality and friendship here in our Mudcat community is amazing !!!, First Chance and Suzette in DC, then those wonderful FSGW folks at West River (and a special mention to Nancy King for her help getting back to Silver Spring), then Allison and Hunt in Nelson NH and now Here in Nottingham NH, it has been a kaleidoscope of lovely people and warmth, every now an then some startling thing prompts a memory.....( I have the pictures,they may have to wit till I get home to appear)
The Duet of a Ukelele and French Horn(I kid you not)
Fall colours near Tolman Pond (I am now a "Leaf peeper")
The singing of Barry Finn all weekend and tonight.
Magic all of them
the plan from here seems to be (maybe) wine tasting tomorrow?
Acorns Monday evening, (Don't know if Mary is making the trip to join us)
Train from Portsmouth to Portland Tuesday (probably arrive Marys afternoon) to join Quiz team in the evening.
After that it goes a bit fuzzy