The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2742729
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
10-Oct-09 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform

You prove Krugman's point when you simply dismiss his point based on politics. You and your ilk have abandoned reason, principle, and patriotism to embrace an irrational tribalism. Republican=good, all else=bad. I feel very sorry for you and yours, but you piss me off with the way you have poisoned our (admittedly flawed to begin with) system of government.

Who told you that Republicans have "not been invited to the table"? That is a bald, thoroughly demonstrable lie. But your tribal leaders told you that, and you meekly follow and believe.

What are your principles? Can you state them?