The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124104   Message #2742748
Posted By: The Sandman
10-Oct-09 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: Arts Council Funding for EFDSS
Subject: RE: Arts Council Funding for EFDSS
Comhaltas does a good enough job but it is not the model that EFDSS could or should emulate.[quote]why? it is successful.
do you have an alternative thats better
JIM,I have been asking this question[Not having a little rant,that is a patronising remark]the question is do efdss provide national tuition[the answer looks like no]
next question,if not why not,is it lack of money?it is their brief to promote traditional song and dance,just as comhaltas have a brief to promote irish traditional dance and song.
Ruth, suggested I join EFDSS,no ,my money is better spent going to Comhaltas who teach traditional music,If EFDSS were to provide comprehensive tuition[IN any form] I would consider joining ,In the meantime Comhaltas with all their faults,gets my money.